6 Free Reddit Tools That Help You To Explore Reddit: Don’t Get Lost in the Subreddit Maze

6 Free Reddit Tools That Help You To Explore Reddit: Don't Get Lost in the Subreddit Maze

In the social media world, Reddit stands out on its own. It is not like a usual social media platform, and it has that old internet vibe that users of Reddit love and cherish for staying true to their core. If you are new to this platform, we know how hard it can be to navigate it.

We are not going into all the technical stuff that Reddit has, like Downvotes, Upvotes, Posts, Threads, Karma, and other things. We know you will understand that you will get the tools to help you search it. This platform is excellent for digital marketers to get notice of the new waves of trends, techniques, and SEO tips that will boost their game to a new level. So, buckle up, future Redditers, and let’s dive in!

1. FindAReddit


In the first place, we have FindAReddit. It is a website that will drastically help you find exciting stuff. Exploring Reddit as a newbie can be challenging, especially when you do not know where to go for the topics you find interesting. Luckily this website can be your guide. Once you open this website, you will be greeted by a straightforward and minimalistic interface. But it is not about design here, and it is about the information you get from it!

On the left side, you will see a menu to choose a category that you want. Once you do so, it will pop up above the menu with more subreddits. And on the right side of the screen, you will see a lot of various topics that you can choose from and find the one you want. You just need to find it through the categories! It is simple, easy, and quick to use it plus it has more than 10,000 subreddits, so there is the thing you want.

2. Subreddit Stats

Subreddit Stats

Subreddit Stats is our second site for you! It is one bot site that will help you to rank the subreddits. As soon as you enter the site, you will see the statistic on some subreddits with some parameters such as growth weekly, daily, monthly or yearly. Once you find the subreddit you were looking for, you can click and see more statistics of that said subreddit without any problem.

But if you click on a small icon next to the name, it will transfer you to the original side on Reddit, where you can see who posted it, comments, and everything that goes with that! It is an excellent site for marketers to see what keywords are taking a growth, what keywords not to use, and generally to get the grip of what the audience is interested in the most!

3. Reddit Saved

Reddit Saved

The third-place goes to a website by the name Reddit-saved. We all know that Reddit is an excellent place to find and discuss topics we like, but tracking posts and comments can be a real challenge. That’s why Reddit Saved is such a great site to have in your back pocket so that you can save anything and visit them at any convenient time!

Once you log in with your Reddit credentials, you can scroll and see your saved list without any problem and revisit anything you already saved. There is not an unlimited saving option yet, but you can save about 1000 posts, which is good enough for a regular user!

4. Redditlist


Redditlist takes our fourth place. It is one of the go-to options if you are hunting any subreddit out there! With this one, you have a collection of many Subreddits that contains a link that will make your navigation a lot easier through the subs.

It has around 5000 top subreddits that you can go through, which is more than enough to find the ones you like! You can see the top subreddits on this list, the ones with the most growth in the last 24hours, and the ones with the most activity. With more than 5000 entries, data analysts can study and see which trends and topics are the hot topic right now!

5. Unreadit


The fifth spot goes to Unreadit, one of the most exciting options if you are not scrolling Reddit for hours! It targets people that love all the hot topics all at once place. The creators behind this tool found a way to bring you the best of the best all in one place. How, with the help of a technical algorithm that explores all the niches out there.

After it has finished diving into the deep ends of Reddit, it brings out the best content that shows them as the most exciting things in a newsletter form to the subscribers. It is a great thing to make a cup of coffee and scroll through it and see what has been the hot topic of the day.

6. Map of Reddit

Map of Reddit

The sixth and last spot on this list goes to Map of Reddit. As the name says it, it is a map of all subjects on Reddit. As soon as you enter the website, you see a huge map of all the topics.

But, it is encouraging to search for the case you find interesting. Once you do so, you will see the topic you want and its connections. So let’s say you enter a celebrity name, it will show you their cases, and all the issues related to it, like celebbattels, the celebrities they are connected to, and similar things.

Final Words

In the end, we can say that Reddit is a separate planet from all others in the context of social media. It can be challenging navigating through it, and you can easily get lost. Do you need more upvotes? This is a great place to get Reddit upvotes.

There is so much on there that you can easily be overwhelmed, especially if you want to see what keywords to avoid and similar things. So, be wise, and use all the advantages these little gems above offer!